How do you want your memories portrayed? You and all your unique moments matter. Whether you will be spending months planning for the celebration of your marriage or you realize your home is missing that personalized touch. Photography is truly an investment that you will cherish for life. Nothing else documents all of the hard work you put in, in preparing for your wedding day quite like a photograph, or so easily allows you to literally become a piece of art. It freezes time and transforms you and your experiences, giving you the gift to relive it all; again and again.
5 hours of wedding day coverage, 1 hour engagement session, edited images delivered on USB, & online gallery to share.
"The Essentials" is the base coverage. There are more options which offer longer coverage, a 2nd photographer and more goodies.
Let's talk to find out the best fit for you!
I made this lovely little magazine which includes in depth package options, some beautiful products you can order and lots of great tips to consider over your wedding day!
Send in a request and I'd be happy to reply with a pdf :)
1.5 hour shoot & 25 edited images.
Maybe we weren't able to get to your special spot, or that picturesque location you've been dying to go to, during your wedding day, but we make it happen on an After Shoot! Get ready to have another magical moment in your stunning attire while we create more breathtaking portraits.
1 hour shoot; completely custom and designed for you. Props are made or found, a wardrobe is put together, various equipment is used to achieve the desired effects in camera, and the remaining work is done digitally. During the big "reveal", you can purchase your favourite images as printed art.
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Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet.
© 2025 Jessica Ginzel London Ontario Creative Portrait & Wedding Photography|ProPhoto Photographer Site|© The Design Space Co